
All students are made for learning. How we co-construct classrooms to support the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual spaces makes this learning more likely to occur.

Listen in to discussions about the Conditions of Learning and how they support learning in these deliberately-designed classroom spaces.

Made for Learning: An Exploration of Cambourne’s Conditions for Learning

Recording from the Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC) View their site Synopsis: Learners must be the “doers” of what they are learning! Being a doer is supported by engagement, immersion, demonstration, employment, expectation, approximation, responsibility and response ~ these conditions are commonly known as the “Conditions of Learning” or “Cambourne’s Conditions” and are an essential component of “Cambourne’s Model [...]

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Creating the Conditions of Learning To Foster Engagement & Growth In Times of Disruption

Recording from the Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC) View their site Synopsis: The “Conditions of Learning” work synergistically to support student engagement and understanding. But what happens when systems are stressed? What happens when deficit based language and practices start to creep into our work with children? What happens when teachers are not able to be responsive to [...]

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Ed Tech: If you didn’t know, now you know.

San Diego County Office of Education- Ed Tech (Alicia Gallegos Butters, Michanne Hoctor Thompson, Pamela Rabin) View their site to listen to all seven episodes The pandemic changed the way many teachers engaged with learning technologies. In this podcast we try to filter out the clutter and noise around technology tools and focus on revisiting essential questions of pedagogy [...]

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Anchored in Education with Dr. England, Episode 117

Recording from Education with Dr. England View their site to listen to the conversation Synopsis: I am fortunate to be in a position in which I receive many books sent to me a month. One such book I received earlier in the year was Made for Learning: How the Conditions of Learning Guide Teaching Decisions. The authors are Debra Crouch and [...]

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What Kids Offer To Us: A Conversation

Recording from Read by Example View their site to listen to the conversation Synopsis: All students are made for learning. What they bring to our classrooms should be valued as entry points for instruction and even beyond. It is the teacher who co-constructs and sustains the environment to help make this possible. In this episode, I talk with Brian [...]

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